Tuesday 19 January 2016

Where is the fault-----?

  Recently , there were elections  held for village panchayats in Haryana.Nominations were to be filed. The notification made it compulsory for the applicants  to be matriculates if they wanted to contest the elections for Panchayat.It seemed to be a very welcome step on the surface.But soon voices of objection could be heard from the women at the different levels.And quite right they were.Whether it was practical or not, the contestant could be asked to attach a proof that there was no High school in the village where she spent her school going yearsto get the condition of being matriculate waived.Isnt it a fault of the government if a girl child is not given her basic right to education ?
  Women took the case to the court. Their plea was that it was not their fault that they were not educated. There was no high school in the village.The honourable court rejected their plea.But only one thing surprised me. If an undermatric can be an MP or an MLA, then why not  a member of a Panchayat.
   What is the fault of that child whose parents are too poor to send her to school? Now don't say that there is free education in our country.There is no limit of poverty.When both the parents go to earn a few bucks, the child may be baby-sitting the other siblings or cooking meals for the family or doing household chores.Where is the fault of this child?
  Why should a child be denied right to education because the  parents are not aware of the need of education?You can say that there are teachers for this purpose.How much surplus staff does the government provide to go from door to door and make parents aware of the need of education?So if the child is uneducated ,where is the fault of this child?
  Why should a child  be denied the right to education because certain high cast people don't want their children to study with them?Recently I got aware of this fact that there are people who are so so backward minded that they don't allow their children to study with the children belonging to certain castes.The children of certain castes are made to sit in a separate line or wear a different colour band or so.It did not surprise me but stunned me that after 68 years of independence we are so so backward .Still 100 percent literacy is a distant dream.Most of the Indians are illiterate.Some in the 3 rs and some in the field of social development and patriotism.And my question willalways remain unanswered-where is the fault of the child? Her only fault is that she is a girl child, she is from a poor family and she is born in a country which is so so backward.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

A call to the citizens of India

  Today I read a message on whatsapp.A really wonderful message-a message having so many such points which I had always dreamt  to be a necessary law of our land.We  the citizens of India are just coins in the hands of our politicians who just toss us as per their whims.And we are all at fault.Every thing has a limit. To go on tolerating should also have a limit.Why don't we rebel? Many a times I think that we are all beggars, not choosers.The time has come that we shoud all ponder over certain points which we often hear but just ignore accepting it as a part of our destiny.
  Parliamentarins should not have pension.What an injustice for the people of India! A polititian remains in office for  a few days  and becomes a pensioner for life. Why?Is this facility available any where else?If a youth become an MP for a few days, he becomes a liability on the tax payers.Our finance department can not give us reasonable old age pension, it can not give us free medical care, it can not give  free education, itcannot give us social security but it can feed politicians for life.And no political party advocates to end it.God save we Indians!
  Politicians are also just like ordinary citizens, they should be paid when they are serving in an office.They can also manage their lives just as other Indians do.This way they can better understand how a common man lives and how he faces various problems in life.
  All facilities for parliamentarians  should be the same as for all Indians.There should be no pay revisions in the parliament. Pay rise should be according to a set formula. Actually there should be no pay commissions for government employees even.Why so much unnecessary expenditure?
  When we are to join a government job, we have to get our police verification. Why does this rule not apply to politicians? Though I doubt if we will get enough parliamentarians with clean record to run the parliament.
  There should be age limit for parliamentarians as well.If a government teacher can not teach after the age of sixty, if an officer can not run the administration after the said age then how can the parliamentarians  run the government after the age of sixty?
  Government advertisements motivate us to leave gas subsidy ? But why? This subsidy is just a peanut if you glance at the subsidies enjoyed by the parliamentarians. They get heavily subsidised food in parliament and they have no shame to enjoy this facility They get free rail concession for self and for one more person if I am not wrong.They go abroad for their treatment Are our doctors less capable? People from other countries come to India for treatment and go satisfied.If  a parliamentarian wants to be treated abroad, let him spend from his pocket.
  We want our politicians to be one of us and not above us.The day they understand it,  and the life of all Indians will change and we will soon be having  a properous India

Saturday 24 October 2015

Why are the kids being raped

        Delhi, the capital of  India , is supposed to be a safe place for all. But it is not so.It is perhaps the most unsafe place Hardly a day passes without a rape. There are average 6 rapes a day in Delhi.And the victims are from an infant to an 80 years old woman or so. Recently there was a spate of rapes of little girls.One day a 6 years old girl was raped.Next day there were 2 rapes--one of two and a half year girl and the other of 4 or 5 years old girl.There are rapes and gang rapes and the police is just watching mootly.Perhaps everybody's responsibility is nobody's responsibility.From time to time our honourable ministers give their precious views .The other day a minister opined that mobile in the hands of girls is responsible for rapes. One minister blamed the jeans for all this.They give their views off and on sans any logic.How are the kids responsible? Will they please answer?
        Why do kids become victims?why are our children not safe? When will all this stop? A group was discussing these things . Every body , without an exception , agreed that these were all sick minds .Rapes were perhaps always there .But now media brings such incidents to the fore. Moreover just as the population has increased, so have the criminals.Moreover now more and more people are coming forward and lodging complaints. That is a good trend.As usual the first blame was for the police departmentAnd is true. Their slow speed of tracking the cases, their tendency of making the cases so weak that they may fail on the first hearing.There is one more trend. They are not ready to write the FIR.After the police come the courts. They take years to decide the cases No doubt, the courts are over-burdened, but there are many judges who just believe in giving dates. (Taareekh pe taareekh).The justice should be quick. Punishment should be exemplary.
          Who will set the house in order? When a child or a daughter of a politician or a beurocat is a victim, then they will wake up.When the public decides tobe on the streets over such issues as  in Nirbhayas case in Delhi, then the politicians  will wake up. Today the girls are the victims, sooner or later, the boys are also going to be the victims.Then perhaps that percentage of the public who have only sons will rise and jump in this struggle against rapists and molesters,

Sunday 11 October 2015

एक अजन्मी बेटी का रुदन

मैं तेरी अजन्मी बेटी
जो कोख में ही मार दी गईं
क्योकि वह इक लड़की थी
जिस के लिए तू बहुत रोई,बहुत तड़फ़ी
आज तेरे साथ 
तेरा दुःख बाँटने आई हूँ
पहिले मैं भी बहुत रोई थी
तड़फ़ी थी,कुरलाई थी 
कि मुझे जन्म से पहिले ही मार दिया गया 
मेरा अस्तित्व बनने से पहिले ही उखाड़ दिया गया
मैंने तो माँ बाप के साथ दुःख बाँटने थे
भाई की कलाई पर राखी सजानी थी
पर ऐसा हो न सका
माँ बाप के दुःख बटने से रह गए
भाई की कलाई सूनी ही रह गईं

पर फिर ,सोचते सोचते
मैंने देखा अपना बीता कल
एक बेटी, एक लड़की का बीता कल
जन्मों जन्मों से
यही होता आया है
कभी दाई ने नाक बंद करके
कभी राख की चुटकी के साथ
कभी गला दबा कर और कभी अफीम देकर
मुझे मारा गया
ये तो कृपा है विज्ञान की
कि अब मैं
नौ माह की जगह 
चार माह ही माँ की कोख में रहती हूँ

जरा सोचो
अगर तुम मुझे जन्म दे भी देती
तो क्या होता
इस समाज में
इस पीड़ित समाज में
जीना आसां नहीं
जन्म से लेकर बुढ़ापे तक
हर कदम, हर पल
औरत होने का एहसास कराया जाता है
जैसे औरत होना कोई पाप हो
कभी रेप
कभी इज्जत पर हमला
कभी बॉस की गन्दी नज़रें
कभी सड़क छाप रोमियो और मजनुओं की  आवाज़ें
ये सब ही तो औरत को
सौगात में दिया जाता है
वोह औरत
जो किसी की मां है,बहिन है
उसे वासना का शिकार बनाया जाता है

इस समाज में
मैं किसी तरह बचती बचाती
बड़ी होती और फिर मेरा विवाह होता
ज़रा सोचो विवाह
 और फिर क्या होता
सास दहेज़ के ताहने देती
और पती
माँ का पल्लू पकड़ कर
एक तरफ खड़ा देखता रहता
हो सकता है मुझे जला दिया जाता
दहेज़ की बलि चढ़ा दिया जाता
नहीं तो 
लड़के की चाह में
मैं भी शायद वही करने को मजबूर की जाती 
जो तुमने किया

नहीं माँ नहीं
मेरे न होने का गम न कर
हिम्मत कर
अगर मैं होती तो 
मैं तेरी कमजोरी होती
अब मेरे लिए
मेरे जैसी अनगिनत अजन्मी बच्चीयों के लिए
बहादुर बन जा
समाज में जागृति पैदा कर
आज के बाद कोई माँ बेटी को 
कोख में मारने को मजबूर न हो
कोई रेपिस्ट खुला न घूमे
कोई बेटी दहेज़ की बलि न चढे
और कोई माँ
अजन्मी बेटी को याद करके
न रोये, न आंसू बहाये।

Friday 9 October 2015

जब सूरज शाम को ढलता है ,कोठी पर सब कुछ चलता है

हमारे देश में आज रिश्वत का बहुत जोर है ।भ्रष्टाचार चरम सीमा पर है।जहाँ कहीं काम के लिए जाओ तो मुँह खुला हुआ मिलता है। रिश्वत तो जैसे हक़ बन चुका है। एक तरफ बड़े बड़े सकैम हो रहे हैं दूसरी तरफ गरीब जनता महंगाई में पिस रही है।आज से पचपन साल पहिले इतना बुरा हाल नहीं था छोटे मोटे गिफ्ट से ही काम निकल आता था। छोटी मोटी सिफारिश भी चल जाती थी।तब मैंने एक कविता लिखी थी जो मैंने 2013 में इसी ब्लॉग पर अंग्रेजी स्क्रिप्ट में अंग्रेजी अनुवाद के साथ छापी थी। आज वही कविता में हिंदी में छाप रही हूँ।कविता का शीर्षक है

जब सूरज शाम को ढलता है कोठी पर सब कुछ चलता है

दफ्तर को पहुंचे लेट हम
आगे ना था अफसर भी कम
हमारी चेकिंग हो गयी
हमसे क्या गलती हो गयी
अफसर हुआ खिलाफ क्यों
साथी से पूछा हमने यूँ
तुम ना आये सारा दिन
और वो भी अर्जी के बिन
मैं आया आधा घंटा लेट
क्यों बनने लगा मेरा आमलेट
कहने लगा सुन मेरे यार
होकर ज़रा तू होश्यार
साहिब की कोठी मैं गया
हाथ में डिब्बा लिया
मुन्ने को जा पकड़ा दिया
और कहा
कल आऊंगा कुछ देर से
जाना कहीं सवेर से
साहिब ने मौन धर लिया
हमने मुह माँगा वर लिया
तुमने चचा कुछ भी किया
आखिर मुन्ने को क्या दिया
वो ना रिश्वत लेते हैं
लेते केवल उपहार हैं
जो उनके मुन्ने को दीजिये
करते उसे स्वीकार हैं
जब सूरज शाम को ढलता है
कोठी पर सब कुछ चलता है

हमने भी राज़ पा लिया
दिल अपने को समझा लिया
रोज़ कोठी जाने लगे
साथियों का दिल हिलाने लगे
मुन्ना तो अभी बच्चा है
मैडम का दिल भी अच्छा है
साड़ी का डिब्बा लिया
मैडम को जा पकड़ा दिया
मैडम ने डिब्बा धर लिया
हमने मुह माँगा वर लिया
क्लर्क से स्टेनो बन गए
झक मरते सब रह गए
मेरा दोस्त कहने लगा
सेनिओरिटी लिस्ट का क्या हुआ
हमने उसे समझा दिया
उसका कहा दोहरा दिया
जब सूरज शाम को ढलता है
कोठी पर सब कुछ चलता है

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Where are the girls safe?

                                             Where are the girls safe?

          A very valid question in our culturally rich India.We hear of rape at various public places. We hear of gang rapes but very rarely of a rape I am talking of now. And all will agree that girls are safe nowhere. The case I am going to narrate stunned me.Whenever I hear of a rape, my soul cries that they be  given an exemplary punishment, their very organ be ripped off and that also at a public place.We Indians are so proud of our rich heritage.  We claim that daughter of a village is the daughter of the whole village. We worship Devies and kill our daughters in the womb. Daughter-in-laws are burnt, wives are ill-treated and what not.No daughter, sister, woman, mother even grandmother is safe and can become a victim of rape.
          A woman relative of a seventeen years  old girl  lodged a complaint at  an all woman police station that the girl was being violated in her own house. The girl's statement was recorded. She was two years old when her mother died.She was brought up by her grandparents. Three years back her grandfather raped her.Then her brother raped her and then his friend whom his brother brought for money.Her neighbors did not spare her.Her father also raped her.She had met her father after tenth class. She went to the police as she was having problem with him.The policemen wanted sexual favour in lieu of helping her. Then they sent her  to a hotel to oblige their officers.These gangrapes continued  till her relative came to her rescue.She gave this statement before a magistrate and was sent to some govt home.But tbe complaint was to be written by the police.They made a weak case as the girl had named police officers as well  Only father and brother were arrested.Even the cctv footage was tempered Now there is a PIL for handing over the case to CBI.
            Now tell me where are girls safe?

Sunday 4 October 2015


           Gandhi ji always had a goat with him.I can't remember when this idea became my obsession that we should develop a goat culture. We love to have a dog.Some like to keep cats. Some go for rabbits. Some love parrots, pigeons and hens  Why don't we start having a goat? Of course there will be some problems but the solutions are always possible.I kept on thinking and thinking about various advantages of rearing a goat and would have loved to have a goat. And thus the animal of my dreams became my fantasy.
           If we had a goat culture, we would have got accustomed to the sounds a goat made--some of joy, some for food and some expressing pain.While keeping a goat-especially in a flat --the space would have been a problem.For this we could tie it in a balcony  or could allot  it a bathroom if we had two.Second problem would have been its poo or potty. As is well known, necessity is the mother of invention. So the market would have been flooded with diapers.Goat clinics would have sprung up here and there. Goat care houses would also have been taking care of your goats in case of your going for vacations . Goat maternity homes would also have sprung up. Similarly other problems would also have got solutions.
            So here comes my fantasy. We are having a goat culture. We can see people taking their goats for a stroll. People are seen discussing about their goats.Sometimes while roaming in front of the houses poor goat attends to its nature's call  or grabs some precious plants and a scene is created on the road. Now your goat takes care of all your organic waste.And in return you get milk as well.The milk vendors go on strike and people envy you as you are tensionfree in this position. Your children are getting healthy milk. Dengu has spread all around and your goat has beome the envy of many but your proud. Its milk is available in the market for 2 or 3 thousand bucks a kilo  but you can now oblige  many.Your goat has gone for delivery but don't worry for the expenditure ,you will get a deal from tbe maternity home for goats.So we see that tbis goat culture has more pluses than minuses.If only it could happen!